Templo Mayor

Remnants of the Templo Mayor, the principal pyramid of the Mexica Empire remain standing in the heart of downtown (just off the Zocalo). This enigmatic space will transport you back to the past, as we witness layers of prehispanic ruins, Spanish colonial vestiges and the bustling contemporary city around it. We will literally walk through the uncovered structure, viewing layer upon layer oforiginal walls and visit the impressive on-site museum which houses both a temporary and permanent display of objects found over various excavation periods.

Highlights include two stellar monoliths: Coyolxauhqui (the carved stone of the Moon Goddess which sparked the entire project back in 1976) and Tlaltecuhtli (discovered buried in 2006). This amazing spot is a must-see in order to understand Mexico’s history and the ancient cultures it once housed.

We will spend approximately 3 hours at the archaeological site and museum, giving you a comprehensive overview of prehispanic Mexico and the people who established themselves here.

PLEASE NOTE: The Templo Mayor is closed on Mondays.