The Zocalo (A Comprehensive Tour)

The Zocalo or main plaza is the heart of Mexico City’s Historic Center, a UNESCO World Heritage Site as of 1987.  It was once the center of prehispanic power.  Today, the square is surrounded by a variety of venues well worth exploring.

On this tour, we will visit the impressive ruins of Templo Mayor.  Once the ceremonial core of Emperor Moctezuma’s kingdom, it became the main target of the Spanish conquistadores during the Conquest Wars in 1521.  Following his triumph, Hernan Cortes constructed a Catholic Cathedral over the smoldering ruins of the Aztec Empire.  We will visit the vestiges that remain standing, narrating this important slice of Mexico’s history.

After visiting the vestiges of the ancient site, we will head over to the Metropolitan Cathedral.  This massive house of worship took over 240 years to build and displays the many artistic styles that were in vogue during its construction.

Depending on what’s going on downtown (often the destination of protesters) we will select one of several venues in the zone to see a famous mural or two.  A visit to the National Palace is unpredictable these days since the current president converted it into his presidential residence.  Depending on the president’s agenda it may or may not be accessible to see Diego Rivera’s masterpiece murals.  There is NO WAY to confirm availability ahead of time, but there are other murals well worth seeing if it is unavailable (for example the Public Education Ministry or the San Ildefonso Museum).

This fascinating three-hour visit is a clear reflection of how the bustling capital city has evolved over 500 years!

PLEASE NOTE:  We also provide in-depth tours to each of these sites in case you are interested in delving into greater detail at one of these landmarks.

The intention of this Comprehensive Tour is to give you a general overview of what this area has to offer.